The Rich OutdoorsEP 556: Work/Play Balance with Jacob Oppelt
1h 20min2022 JUL 13
My good buddy Jake pops into the studio to catch up on plans for this fall, and to talk about work play balance. Jake is a serial entrepreneur with multiple business yet seems to travel as much or more than anyone I know. We talk about early mentors and how he got the itch for doing his own thing. Growing up in Port Angeles WA he said starting a business was just what you did if you wanted to be successful.” Jake’s mindset is limitless and I love how he just does things his way and never looks to see how other people do it. Jake was is a big contributor to the Rich Ideas Lab and last week he added a ton of value by breaking down how to go about owner financing a business. Aka how to buy a business without having to go to the bank. That Jam session alone is worth the cost of the lab and I highly recommend any entrepreneur out there go check it out. Even Ty Leary, who has bought and sold multiple business told me it was gold and really got his wheels turning. Jam Session 18 if you w...