The Rich OutdoorsEp 551: Jack Carr on Creative Process
56min2022 MAY 14
This week I am joined by thee one and only Jack Carr, author, Navy Seal commander and outdoorsman. Jack is a such a down to earth good guy. On a professional level Jack is a tremendous author and has an amazing series out that starts with the book, The Terminal Listand will suck you in like a good binge worth Netflix show. In this episode I dive into Jacks creative process and we chat about inspirations, writing style, and many very interesting aspects of how Jack has transitioned from his carrier in the Seals into a New York Times best seller. I love Jacks confidence and execution at the highest level, it is very inspiring. Enjoy! Show Notes: Meet Author & Veteran, Jack Carr – 02:38 When Jack Knew He Would Be a Writer – 08:15 Advice for Creatives, Career, and the Process – 13:09 How the Series Developed & Creating Success – 19:56 Reading as an Author, Writing, & Focus – 28:37 Inspiration from the Outdoors – 39:14 Advice to Aspiring New Authors – 45:39 Terminal List TV Series...