The Majlis
1h 7min2022 JAN 19


20 years on, the so-called "War on Terror" has had major consequences on geopolitics but also on domestic politics.In this episode, Dr. Adnan Husain speaks with Dr. Arun Kundnani, author of The Muslims are Coming!: Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror(Verso, 2014) about the intersections between imperialism and military invasion abroad, and their effecton the security and surveillance of Muslims to understand how Islamophobia underwrote both foreign and domestic policies in the US, UK, Canada and beyond.Dr. Kundnani in particular explains the connections between programs of "de-radicalization" and their racial and Islamophobic underpinnings, and implementation as "liberal" alternatives to Bush's War on Terror. On Jan. 25, Dr. Kundnani will be speaking at the MSGP lecture titled 'What was the War on Terror'. The link to register for the event can be found here. For more updates from Dr. Kundnani, you can follow him on twitter.
