ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka
52min2022 JUN 1


ADHD women have heard every excuse under the sun for why their doctors won’t consider an ADHD diagnosis or take their concerns seriously; everything from the classic “it’s just anxiety,” to “you’re too smart to have ADHD,” to even “you just think it’s cool to have ADHD and that’s why you want a diagnosis.” Seriously, what the hell?! Being gaslit, misdiagnosed, and dismissed by medical professionals can prevent us from getting a proper diagnosis and accessing treatment for years, even decades, because of the shame and self-doubt that follows these appointments. This episode I’m sharing misdiagnosis stories from members of the Facebook group to highlight just how often it happens. I’m also giving you some tips and tools for pushing back against the ADHD stereotypes that still very much exist in the medical community. We know our brains best and we know ADHD is real, and my hope is to empower you to keep advocating for yourself and your health until someone finally listens. Resources Help With ADHD Diagnosis: Symptom Evaluation Mistakes ( Was ADHD to Blame All Along? 8 Reasons Symptoms Are Mistaken ( ‘If you can pay attention, you do not have ADHD’ — and 9 other misperceptions about the disorder - The Washington Post ADHD Signs Hidden in Plain Sight: Overlooked Symptoms ( ADHD Misdiagnosis Stories: Symptoms Mistaken for Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar ( 3 Defining Features of ADHD: Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, Hyperfocus, Emotionality (
