Back in Control Radio
29min2022 JUL 14


In this episode, Dr. David Hanscom talks with Dr. Thomas Verny, psychiatrist and best-selling author of The Embodied Mind. He shares how observations from his work with patients led him to the concept of the embodied mind—essentially how functions we normally associate only with the brain are dispersed throughout the cells of the body. One example of this is recalling memories formed before the age of two, which traditional neuroscience postulates is not possible. This may indicate that pre-natal and peri-natal cognition is much more robust than originally believed. Dr. Thomas R Verny is a psychiatrist, Founding President of APPPAH, the Association for Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Health, Founding Editor-in Chief of the APPPAH Journal, author of 47 scientificpapers and eight books including the international best seller,The Secret Life of the Unborn Child,publishedin 27 countries and the recently released,The Embodied Mind.The Embodied Mind shows how intelligence andconsciousness—traits traditionally attributed to the brain alone—permeate ourentire being. Whether or not we can consciously access a memory, thelivedevent has left an imprint on our cells and tissues. This is one reason why heart transplants carrymemories of the donors. For more information, visit:
