Dr. Lisa Gives a Sh*t
59min2022 JUN 1


I have followed artist Eric Doeringer's career since the mid-oughts and he has been a guest on this show many times. Once of the particularly facinating aspects of Eric's work is that every project or body of work he takes on involves a complex and new way of making work that he must investigate, analyze and then. execute, which he does masterfully. Artist Eric Doeringer's latest project is an appropriation of a project artist Tom Sachs is doing. What is "appropriation art" you ask? Appropriation, similar tofound object artis "as an artistic strategy, the intentional borrowing, copying, and alteration of preexisting images, objects, and ideas" It's so fun hearing Eric talk about his experience creating the work, the adventure of launching it in the desert, and going to one of Tom Sach's launch with hundreds or rockets, art collectors and a formally dressed staff. Eric's project intersects with the NFT world as well and I learned a lot from Eric about his process and the process of i...


DLG304 Jake Flores talks comedy and polyamory. He's really thought these topics through!


DLG1828 I get to meet Portia Munson, a big artist hero and influence on me and a lot of artists..


DLG303 Did Ben Davis's childhood give him an extra dose of objectivity when writing about art?


DLG302 Holly DeRito talks about the connection between training dogs and being a Dominatrix.


DLG301 Artist Eric Doeringer latest project involves launching rockets into space.


DLG300 Dr. Lisa did an art installation with Sharilyn Neidhardt in a gallery. Here's a lively discussion about it with the gallerists/curators, Charlene Stevens and Rolman K., moderated by artist Christopher Stout.


DLG299 Eryn Levine, Radio Free Brooklyn's Programming Director, is making her future happen.


DLG298 Leigh Celent of Castle Black emerges from the pandemic ready to rock.
