Wisdom In The Word Bible Studies
49min2020 DEC 1


Join us for a very timely lesson from the book of Daniel as we continue to learn the identifying characteristics of the soon coming, final Antichrist of the last seven years of history. Make no mistake: He is certainly alive, an adult, and already rising to prominence and power in the world. God has revealed key historical information in the book of Daniel that was shut-up until this very time to identify the conditions and the persona that will lead you to understand the lead-up and unveiling of final Antichrist who will drive the world into its last seven years of history. God gave Daniel detailed, verifiable future information that is now documented history. We are to take advantage of this as that final generation this is offered to for wisdom and navigating how the end plays out. Listen to this lesson to learn details, and similarities of the history and types that tie together the two major Antichrists of this Age, Antiochus IV Epiphanies, and the soon-coming Antichrist that w...
