Wisdom In The Word Bible Studies

Wisdom In The Word Bible Studies

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Biblical knowledge is the beginning. Only through fine-grain detailed study, including Biblical and secular history, the sciences, sacred and secular writings and even mythology and more, can we achieve wisdom and skill in using the Word of God.New to the Cover-to-Cover Bible studies? Listen to the 'Introduction' and 'What Shapes YOUR Worldview?' podcasts first. You'll be glad you did!We hope these studies deepen your understanding of God's Heart, Mind, Character, His plan and His point-of-view.Questions? Comments? Want a copy of the notes?Email: biblestudyweekly@gmail.com

I am posting this message that will help you understand what has developed since the beginning of the "COVID crisis" in 2020, and how the Luciferian plans based on the highest technologies have been intentionally orchestrated and converged to this point in time, July 2021. This message will be an eye opener for you! As I mentioned in the last Special Session I posted, make no mistake, these things HAVE ALREADY BEGUN to pass JUST AS JESUS SAID in Matthew 24. Look up now! Please listen and take to heart the message in this podcast. Please take stock of your position with God right now. ALL THINGS ARE IN PLACE! The timeline to the end of the church age, the removal of the church in the Rapture, and the Tribulation under the Antichrist is at the very door. You will understand the gravity of this statement as you listen to this message. Is your own redemption drawing near, or is it your time of judgment that is drawing near? You still can choose rightly if you have not. I hope that this message helps you see the urgency. Time is running out quickly. No turning the clock back. This special podcast is by Pastor Robert Breaker. NOTE: The video version of this message where you can see the whiteboard presentation is available at: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8FMcOf7KeItw/ You can find Rober Breaker's sermons and Bible studies on his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPkTFG8FeBL6iR8YemTaMYQ Pastor Robert Breaker's Website: https://thecloudchurch.org --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/biblestudyweekly/message

In this lesson we complete our study of the book of Daniel. Ironically, we are living in the very days that fulfill the writings of the last chapter in the book. All is about to be fulfilled and YOU and I are a part of it! What was hidden to Daniel is now open because Israel is back in her land, and the generation to see this is full grown and about to enter the Time Of Jacob's Trouble. Join the class as we parse the end of Daniels prophecies and examine what it will be like when Micheal is sent to stand for Israel to save them out of the most horrific time in the history of Earth. If you are saved in Christ, you need to understand because we are to warn ALL about what is surely coming very soon. If you are NOT saved in Christ, and still refuse to receive God's provision - in truth - to make a way for your salvation, you should understand these prophecies because this is the time you will be entering into shortly. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/biblestudyweekly/message

Join us for the final part of this very timely lesson from the book of Daniel as we continue to learn the identifying characteristics of the rising final Antichrist of the last seven years of the Age. We'll examine the historical run-up to this final son of perdition. We'll look to Daniel's writings, other Scriptures and historical references - even going back to the book of Genesis - to help us understand the Antichrist's lineage. You may be surprised to find out that one of the twelve tribes of Israel was actually prophesied to be the progenitor of the very bloodline through which the Antichrist will arise to bring about the seven-year Tribulation, the time of Jacob's Trouble. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/biblestudyweekly/message

Join us for a very timely lesson from the book of Daniel as we continue to learn the identifying characteristics of the soon coming, final Antichrist of the last seven years of history. Make no mistake: He is certainly alive, an adult, and already rising to prominence and power in the world. God has revealed key historical information in the book of Daniel that was shut-up until this very time to identify the conditions and the persona that will lead you to understand the lead-up and unveiling of final Antichrist who will drive the world into its last seven years of history. God gave Daniel detailed, verifiable future information that is now documented history. We are to take advantage of this as that final generation this is offered to for wisdom and navigating how the end plays out. Listen to this lesson to learn details, and similarities of the history and types that tie together the two major Antichrists of this Age, Antiochus IV Epiphanies, and the soon-coming Antichrist that w...

The 69 weeks of years of the 70 Weeks of Daniel have already transpired. The Church age "gap" has arrived, and after 2,000 years, is about to expire; The official end of the church age, commencing with the rapture, is imminent. We - you - are of that final generation that Jesus Christ, Himself said would not pass away until ALL things be fulfilled.We are at the transition point, and ready to enter the final, 70th Week of Daniel's prophetic timeline of the end of this Age. The final 70th week of years of the prophecy is so important that, about 4 years after Gabriel visited Daniel, a very different "messenger" was sent to him. And, this was not though just a dream or a vision again, but a real-life encounter! HINT: It took 21 days after Daniel's prayer for this most astounding visitor to arrive and deliver his message. Could this delay be indicative of the 21 centuries of the church age that separated the 69th Week of Years from this final, devastating 70th Week known as the Tribulat...

This is just an announcement that my new podcast is online now. It's The Fundamentals Of Bible Prophecy! Why is it that most pastors will NOT teach Biblical prophecy and all that it entails? If you are hungry for understanding, this series is for YOU, at such a time as THIS. Find it here: https://anchor.fm/michael-mendola --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/biblestudyweekly/message

It is the end of the Babylonian captivity. The time for the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city and the temple has come, just as God promised. Daniel is starting to see a future again for his people! His heart is to know and understand, and he pleads with God to act on behalf of His people to free them as soon a His will allows. God quickly responds by giving him an astoundingly accurate timeline in coded form, called the 70 weeks of years. One of the key prophecies of the Scriptures for determining the coming of Jesus Christ and the disposition of the Jews and the end of the Age, the Prophecy of Seventy Weeks is given to Daniel by an angel. This messenger informs him that seventy "sevens", or sets, or weeks of years have been decreed, and through this, gives him a detailed but cryptic timeline chronicling the end of the Babylonian captivity to the first coming, and the sacrifice of the promised Anointed One (Jesus Christ) in AD 33, to the end of the Age. Join us as wereview and parse this amazing timeline of how God brings an end to the captivity, and his people back to Jerusalem. And even more, how He maps out for Daniel - especially for us at the end of the Age - the main events that lead to the very year Messiah is sacrificed on the cross, the church age, and the completion of judgment and final redemption of Israel very soon to come. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/biblestudyweekly/message

I am posting this very timely message that will help you understand how we got to where we are RIGHT NOW in this extremely critical and absolutely unique point in world history. This IS the time Jesus spoke to when he said "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."Luke 21:28. Make no mistake, these things HAVE BEGUN to pass! Please listen and take to heart the message to you in this podcast. Please take stock of your position with God right now. Is your redemption drawing near, or is it your time of judgment that is drawing near? You still can choose rightly if you have not. I hope that this message helps you see the urgency. This special podcast is by Pastor J.D. Farag. You can find his sermons, Bible studies and weekly prophecy updates on his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkz3m787ygph7Uvjxzngl-g Pastor J.D. Farag's Website: https://www.jdfarag.org/ --- Send in a voice message: https://a...

We continue in chapter 9, parsing Daniel's writings and the deep prophecies of world rule until our time now, the end of the age. The main point of this piece is using Daniel as a prime example of the most effective way of drawing close to God in prayer. We learn from his example, that the righteous and humble, fervent, from-the-heart prayer does avail much! We'll see the result of prayer that is weighted with evidence that we are fully aware of the God to Whom we are speaking, the great, one and only true God. Daniel prays from the standpoint that prayer is willful submission and worship of the One and only God, the One who only can answer prayer. It becomes even more clear as we enter chapter 9 that we - you who are reading this now - are the only generation to have the ability to fully understand the book of Daniel's (and Revelation's) deepest and most mysterious secrets, now revealed to us - as part of this terminal generation! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/biblestudyweekly/message

Join us as we continue parsing Daniel's vision of Gentile world rule. Here, he describes the battle between a goat and a two-horned ram for supremacy. This imagery describes world rule being transitioned from the Medo-Persian to the Greek empire. It's describes the beginning of the end-times thrust of the Hellenization of the world. The modern world we live, in its final phase before the end of the Age, is very heavily based on this transition. What is Hellenism? Why is it considered the fulcrum point of world governance history? Hellenization is the historical spread of ancient Greek culture, religion, and, to a lesser extent, language over peoples conquered by the Greeks, or brought into their sphere of influence, particularly during the Hellenistic period following the campaigns of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC. The result of Hellenization was that elements of Greek origin combined in various forms and degrees with local elements, and these Greek influences spread from the Mediterranean basin as far east as modern-day Pakistan. In modern times, Hellenization has been associated with the adoption of modern Greek culture and the ethnic and cultural homogenization of Greece - and the world. Prophetically, the Hellenization of the world set the stage for the final act before the end. What is the final act? It is the crescendo of the Times Of The Gentiles through the follow-on Roman culture, and then it's rapid crash and destruction under the final Antichrist - who will be an export of this Hellenization/Roman system - when he comes on the scene. The stage has been set. The curtain has risen. The play continues... Make no mistake: YOU and I are alive and in this theater by God's will, for such a time as this. We ARE witnessing the end of the Age and how it comes about. We ARE that terminal generation, And we have been assigned front-row seats!Keep you eyes open and keep watch! Christians are commanded to do so! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/biblestudyweekly/message

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