Money Clinic with Claer Barrett
24min2022 JUN 14
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Who taught you the most about money — your dad, your mum or the internet? Traditionally, parents had the biggest influence on how people managed money in their adult lives. But all that is changing. In an unofficial Money Clinic poll ahead of Father’s Day this Sunday, while 20 per cent of listeners said their dads had been the strongest financial influence in their lives, the vast majority (71 per cent) said it was the internet, raising important questions about the role of online influencers and the lack of financial education in schools.Presenter Claer Barrett discusses with Aimée Allam, director of the FT’s Financial Literacy and Inclusion Campaign (FLIC), and millennial financial educators Andreea Ion and Jamie Galvin, who run the Stocks and Savings pages on Instagram and TikTok.If you would like to be a guest on a future episode of Money Clinic, email us at or send Claer a DM on social media — she’s @ClaerB on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.To follow Andreea a...

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