China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
3min1 d ago


A cold front began sweeping across China on Saturday, bringing the first major temperature drop of the season and widespread rain and snow. 11月23日起,寒潮天氣將影響我國,帶來今年冬季首次大幅降溫和大範圍雨雪天氣。 The cold wave, the first of the second half of this year, will last until Wednesday and is expected to reverse the prolonged warm conditions in the central and eastern regions, the National Meteorological Center said. 據中央氣象臺預報,此次寒潮將持續至27日,是今年下半年以來的首場寒潮,預計中東部地區將上演冷暖“大逆轉”。 The center issued a blue cold wave alert, the least severe alert, on Sunday morning, forecasting a temperature drop of 6 C to 10 C across most regions. In eastern parts of Northwest China, northern North China, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region and Northeast China, temperatures could plummet by 12 C to 14 C, with some areas seeing decreases of over 16 C. 11月24日上午,中央氣象臺發布寒潮藍色預警(最低一級預警),預計我國大部地區氣溫將下降6℃至10℃,西...
