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5min6 d ago


Experts have estimated that China's inbound tourism market will maintain its continuous recovery for the rest of the year and could return to the pre-COVID level reached in 2019, in view of its good performance in the first half of the year. 基於2024年上半年中國入境旅遊的良好表現,專家預測,中國入境旅遊市場有望在本年下半年持續恢復,甚至回到2019年疫情前的水平。 The latest figures from the National Immigration Administration showed that foreigners made about 14.64 million trips to the Chinese mainland in the first six months of 2024. The China Tourism Academy estimated that about 11 million of those trips were for tourism purposes — a number that is roughly 70 percent of the figure for the same period in 2019. 國家移民管理局的最新數據顯示,2024年上半年,外國人前往中國大陸的次數約為1464萬次,中國旅遊研究院估計,其中大約1100萬次是以旅遊為目的,這一數字約占2019年同期的70%。 In 2019, foreign tourists made 31.88 million visits to the mainland, and the total number of inbound visits wa...
