Learn Programming and Electronics with Arduino
2min2017 MAR 19


Discussion: The following videos will show you step by step how to download and install the Arduino Integrated Development Environment, or IDE for short. We'll also be setting up some preferences in the IDE. The phrase Integrated Development Environment may sound complicated and crazy, but it's really not. To be perfectly honest, it looks and feels a lot like a text editor, such as Microsoft Word or Notepad. Arduino IDE is simply a small software program that we're going to load on our computer. It's where we'll write the code that actually gets loaded onto the Arduino board. Consistent Look and Feel It is completely free to download and use. Understand, though, that it's updated all the time. Being kept updated is a good thing. You just need to make sure you are aware of which version you are using. Usually the updates are fairly minor and only affect the appearance of the IDE. Maybe the some of the menu options will be reorganized, or maybe some keyword coloring will change. Howev...
