Learn Programming and Electronics with Arduino

Learn Programming and Electronics with Arduino

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Video lessons on learning programming and electronics with Arduino. This is part of our Arduino Crash Course and Arduino Course for Absolute Beginners. It's designed to take someone with little or no experience in programming and electronics and get them fast-tracked to learning the skills to prototype using Arduino.

Have you seen some really cool stuff being made with a thing called Arduino? What is Arduino anyway? It sounds like an Italian sandwich with extra cheese or something... Well - it's that and a lot more. I hope this video can help explain some the basic premise of the Arduino!

Have you ever wanted to change the font color in the Arduino IDE? Maybe it is hard for youto read the light grey comments in the Arduino IDE, or maybe you prefer something a little bolder. Whatever your reason, in thisshort video, I demonstrate a relatively easy way tochange the font color of comments.

Ever ever spent too muchtime searching fora 220 ohm resistor orjust one more jumper wire? Are you sure you had that extra LED, LDR, [Fill in the blank], but have no idea where it went? Do you just want to throw up a quick circuit and get to coding? Travel a lot and want an easy way to learn Arduino on the road?

Floating Pins on Arduino have always been a bit of mystery to me. It just never made much sense. I did this video more for my own sake - just to concrete it in my brain. I hope it can add some solidarity to your understanding as well...

Let's not be duped by people trying to sell us authentic Arduino's that are counterfeit. This video will show you the one way to be sure you get the real deal, andfive methods of telling if you bought a counterfeit or not.

Discussion: Will the Chicken Cross the Road? So there's this chicken, and he's on the side of the road. He wants to cross the road. He wants to get to the other side. Before he steps out and crosses the road, he looks both ways. That is a rational thing to do. If he doesn't look both ways, and he just steps out, he's going to get smashed by a car, and he won't get to the other side of the road. This chicken is a little bit of a nervous chicken. He is just sitting there and watching. A car passes by, another car passes by, and he's looking at each one. He is analyzing the traffic, but he never steps out in the street and actually makes any progress because he's always afraid a car is going to come and nail him. Now, in some regards, you and I are a little bit like that chicken. No, I'm not calling you yellow, or anything like that. That's not where I'm going with this. What I'm saying is that, many times, when we're learning something, especially a step-by-step process, we can get a ...

Discussion: Now that you have downloaded and set preferences, you need to become familiar with the Arduino Integrated Development Environment, or IDE for short. It works just like a text editor program. I'm only going to cover what I think is important for us to know right now. We do a deeper dive on an as needed basis as we progress through the course. Specifically, in this lesson we'll cover: Selecting an Arduino Board and Serial Port Saving an Arduino File The Editor, Message Area, and Console A Few Other “Good to Know” Items So let's open the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and get started. Do this by clicking the Arduino icon. Which Board and Serial Port Should I Use? The first thing we're going to discuss is selecting the correct board. We have to let the Integrated Development Environment know what Arduino board you're using. Go to the “Tools” tab, and then go down to where it says “Board”. You'll notice I selected the Arduino Uno since that is what I w...

Discussion: Before you begin using the Arduino IDE, you must first learn how to download, install, and set your preferences. This lesson is specifically tailored for those who use a Mac. (The last lesson covered this same topic, but for PC users.) I'm currently running Mac OS X Yosemite. You are probably running a newer version of Windows. However, the following instructions will be almost identical from one version to the next. If this should ever change, I’ll update this lesson to reflect those changes. Find the Arduino IDE Download First, jump on the internet with your favorite browser, and navigate to www.arduino.cc. Look for the tab labeled “Download”. The page on which you land might look a little different than this. It does change from time to time, but there will always be an obvious tab for Download. Go ahead and click Download. We're currently working on version 1.6.5, and what you'll do is select your operating system. Click on that “Downloads tab”. That will bring ...

Discussion: The following videos will show you step by step how to download and install the Arduino Integrated Development Environment, or IDE for short. We'll also be setting up some preferences in the IDE. The phrase Integrated Development Environment may sound complicated and crazy, but it's really not. To be perfectly honest, it looks and feels a lot like a text editor, such as Microsoft Word or Notepad. Arduino IDE is simply a small software program that we're going to load on our computer. It's where we'll write the code that actually gets loaded onto the Arduino board. Consistent Look and Feel It is completely free to download and use. Understand, though, that it's updated all the time. Being kept updated is a good thing. You just need to make sure you are aware of which version you are using. Usually the updates are fairly minor and only affect the appearance of the IDE. Maybe the some of the menu options will be reorganized, or maybe some keyword coloring will change. Howev...

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