School Librarians United with Amy Hermon
1h 17min2022 MAY 21


Faith Huff offers both a critique and solutions for a more accurate assessment of school librarians and our value to our schools. I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Correlations: National and state standards Libraries. Today National Forum (FREE virtual conference!) Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs Can I just vent??? Form SLU Playlists E48 The Future of Our Biography Sections E109 Collaborating With Public Librarians E160 Round 2: Can I Just Vent?!?!? Laura Bush Foundations for America’s Libraries Faith Huff Twitter/TikTok/: @teachinaTARDIS E124 Redefining Our Roles (April 2021) E160 Round 2: Can I Just Vent?!?! (Feb 2022) Wakelet: Resources for showcasing yourself and your program
