Still Unknown: An Unsolved True Crime Podcast
19min2020 MAR 30
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Kristi Krebs was described as a cheerful and upbeat young woman with aspirations to become a chef. On April 30, 1990, she was driving around aimlessly for hours while daydreaming when she became lost on a country road and her car eventually became stuck in the mud. This incident would lead to Kristi having a psychotic break for which she was hospitalized. Her state would eventually improve however with the help of medication and therapy, and she went back to living her life as she had before. For the next 3 years, all seemed to be well with Kristi until August 9, 1993, when a very similar incident occurred where Kristi again became stuck in the mud on a country road after driving around aimlessly. This time, she would walk away and disappear. Multiple sightings have been reported since, but nearly 27 years later, Kristi Krebs still has not been found. Sources for this episode:

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