Still Unknown: An Unsolved True Crime Podcast
20min2020 AUG 3
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Jayson Artis just wanted to show his younger brother a good time. The 20 year old college student had his younger brother visiting him for the week when he decided to take him down to Tijuana, Mexico on the night of August 1, 1998 for a night of partying. While in Tijuana, Jayson becomes heavily intoxicated and also has multiple run ins with Tijuana police. Towards the end of the night when they are looking to leave, Jayson's younger brother loses track of him. Another friend who came with them claims that the last time he saw Jayson was in the back of a police car. Not long after, in the early morning hours on August 2, Jayson is found dead on a deserted road in a rundown area of town. The Tijuana police determine that Jayson died after being struck by a vehicle and rule the death a hit and run accident. But multiple questions would arise: Why weren't Jayson's injuries consistent with being struck by a vehicle? Why did the Tijuana police have no record of detaining Jayson when his ...

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