20min2021 FEB 24


9. Staying in the Game A. [00:00:06] You're listening to career compass, a Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us today. This is Nereda Salinas. Your host for career compass, an audio course for those on a journey to find work that more accurately aligns with their career compass. [00:00:36] As you'll recall, the first part of this course focused a lot on the necessary introspection that leads to finding a true career path. We talked about. What it is that you're most interested in and what are the skills and strengths that you want to use in this next position and the type of area that you'd want to use them in. [00:00:59] We explored a few different opportunities for how to understand the terrain that you're about to enter and the importance of creating a community of connections to help you understand this terrain and the different o...
