China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
4min3 d ago


A court in Guiyang, capital of Guizhou province, opened a retrial of a widely followed child abduction and trafficking case on Friday, after some criminal facts were newly discovered. 10月11日,在發現了新的犯罪事實后,廣受關注的余華英拐賣兒童案在貴州省省會貴陽市中級人民法院開庭重審。 The case involved Yu Huaying, who had been sentenced to death by the Guiyang Intermediate People's Court last year for abducting and trafficking 11 children in the 1990s for financial gain. 被告人余華英為謀取經濟利益,在20世紀90年代拐賣11名兒童,於去年被貴陽市中級人民法院判處死刑。 Yu later appealed to a higher court, and the Guizhou High People's Court ordered the intermediate court to rehear the case because it determined that the original ruling omitted some criminal facts. 被告人余華英當庭表示上訴。貴州省高級人民法院對余華英拐賣兒童案作出二審裁定,發回重審,法院認為,原判遺漏原審被告人余華英其他的犯罪事實。 The omitted facts refer to six other children suspected of being abducted and trafficked ...
