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5min2019 APR 18


已購買課程的用戶請添加小助手【微信號:as96275】,加入社群享課程配套服務,在線答疑,學習資料放送 W: Hi! My name’s Sue Lee. Nice to meet you! M: Nice to meet you! I’m Jay Evans. You can call me Jay. W: Where are you from, Jay? M: I’m from the United States. What about you? W: I’m from Korea. M: Your English is amazing! W: Thank you so much! I’m from the United States. I’m from China. I’m from Korea. I’m from Japan. I’m from the UK. I’m from France. I’m from Italy. I’m from Germany. I’m from Russia. I’m from Canada. I’m from Australia. China/ˈtʃaɪnə/ n.中國 Korea /kəˈrɪə/ n.韓國 Japan /dʒə'pæn / n.日本 the UK (the United Kingdom) 英國 France /frɑːns / n.法國 Italy /'ɪtəlɪ / n.意大利 Germany /'dʒɝməni / n.德國 Russia /'rʌʃə / n.俄羅斯 Canada /'kænədə / n.加拿大 Australia /ɔ'streljə/ n.澳大利亞
