52s2018 SEP 4


使用說明:純淨原聲,可自測,可慢速或快速跟讀。 加油加油加油! 對話: W: I’ll have the steak, French fries, and let’s see, chocolate ice cream for dessert. M: Oh, oh, you know these things will ruin your health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering some vegetables and fruit instead? What would you like for dessert? I think I’ll have apple pie and ice cream. W: The chocolate cake looks great, but I have to watch my weight. You go ahead and get yours. M: It sells many different kinds of food. For example, it has 250 kinds of cheese from all over the world and more than 180 kinds of bread. Customers also love all the different kinds of chocolate. They buy a hundred tons every year. W: That’s amazing! 重點單詞: 1.steak /steɪk/ n. 牛排 2.French fries n. 炸薯條 3.ruin /'ruːɪn/ v. 毀壞,毀掉,糟蹋 ruin one's life 毀掉某人的生活 4.fat/ f&aeli...
