Town Hall Seattle Civics Series
59min2022 JUN 15
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In 2015, anthropologist and writer Levi Vonk found himself on a journey filled with twists, turns, and a chance meeting that would forever impact his life. With a desire to report on the dangerous realities faced by Guatemalans as they fled civil and economic instability in their home country, Vonk joined a migrant caravan making its way into Mexico. On the trip, he met Axel Kirschner, a man who grew up in New York but was deported to Guatemala after being identified as undocumented during a minor traffic violation. The two men became friends, but as they get to know each other, Kirschner’s tale grew stranger. He revealed that he is a computer hacker and claimed he’s being exploited for his skills and prevented from returning home to his family. As the details grew more bizarre, Vonk began to question: Is Kirschner telling the truth? Is he really who he claims to be? And what kind of dark network could he be involved in? Interwoven with Vonk and Kirschner’s individual narratives,...

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