China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
2min1 w ago


Newly revised textbooks emphasizing traditional Chinese culture, national security and practical skills are being introduced this fall semester in primary and middle schools across China, the Ministry of Education announced. 教育部宣布,今年秋季,教材修訂加強整體設計,系統落實豐富中華優秀傳統文化、加強國家安全教育等相關主題的學習。 The revised textbooks for moral education and law, Chinese language and Chinese history have been two years in the making and will be gradually rolled out. The first to receive them will be first graders in primary school and seventh graders in middle school. 經過兩年的籌備,《道德與法治》、《語文》、《中國歷史》等新修訂教材將逐步推出。從2024年秋季學期起,首先在全國小學一年級和初中一年級使用。 By 2026, the new textbooks will be used across all grade levels in China's nine-year compulsory education system. 到2026年,中國九年制義務教育各年級將全面使用新教材。 Liu Hongjie, deputy director of the Ministry's Department of National Textbooks, said the revised b...
