China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
2min1 w ago


Browsing videos on TikTok or YouTube can be a hit-and-miss affair, with gems lurking amid mediocre efforts. But researchers have found that switching to another video, or skipping forwards and backwards in the same one, actually makes people more bored. 刷短視頻就是在碰運氣,刷半天或許可以刷到一個有趣的視頻。但是研究人員發現,不斷地切換視頻,跳到下一個,或者返回上一個視頻重復觀看,事實上會讓人感到更加無聊。 Dr Katy Tam at the University of Toronto Scarborough, the lead author of the research, said boredom was closely linked to attention. 該研究的首席作者、多倫多大學士嘉堡校區的凱蒂·塔姆博士表示,這種無聊感和專注度密切相關。 "We feel bored when there’s a gap between how engaged we are and how engaged we want to be,” she said. “When people keep switching through videos, they become less engaged with the videos and they are looking for something more interesting. This can lead to increased feelings of boredom.” 她說:“當我們的專注度和我們想要專注的程度之間有落差時,我們就會感...
