China Daily 為你讀英語新聞
2minJUL 25


Renmin University of China has fired a professor who allegedly sexually harassed a doctoral student, the university announced on Monday night after concluding an investigation into allegations made public over the weekend. 7月22日晚,中國人民大學通報教授被曝性騷擾,將解除聘用關系。 On Sunday, a video surfaced online showing a doctoral candidate in literature publicly accusing her mentor of sexual harassment and coercive molestation. 7月21日,一則視頻在網上流傳,中國人民大學文學院一名博士生實名舉報其導師脅迫性騷擾。 The student, who identified herself as Wang Di, alleged that her mentor, a professor at the university's School of Liberal Arts, and the former Party chief and vice-dean of the school, demanded a sexual relationship. 這名叫王迪的博士在中國人民大學在讀期間,被文學院原黨委書記兼副院長、博導王某某性騷擾並強制猥褻。 When she refused, he allegedly harassed her for the next two years and threatened to prevent her from graduating. 她進一步透露,在她拒絕了導師的不正當要求后,其...
