The Twenty Minute VC (20VC): Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch
34min2022 JUL 6


Scott Belskyis an entrepreneur, master of product reviews, author, investor, and currently serves as Adobe’s Chief Product Officer and Executive Vice President, Creative Cloud. Tony Fadell, often referred to as the father of the iPod is one of the leading product thinkers of the last 30 years as one of the makers of some of the most game-changing products in society from the iPhone and iPod to more recently founding Nest. Lenny Rachitskyis one of the OGs of product, having spent over 7 years at Airbnb as a product lead he left to start his newsletter, find ithere. Kayvon Beykpouris one of the most prominent product leaders of the last decade. For the last 7 years, Kayvon has been at Twitter where he led all of the teams across Product, Engineering, Design, Research and Customer Service & Operations. Aparna Chennapragadais Chief Product Officer @Robinhood, the company revolutionising consumer finance with commission-free investing. In Today's Episode Breaking Down Product Reviews We Discuss: 1.) What makes a truly great product review? 2.) What are the biggest mistakes that product leaders make when leading product reviews? 3.) Who should be invited to the product review? How does this change with scale? How does this change in a world of remote work and Zoom? 4.) Who should set the agenda for the product review? 5.) How can leaders assign accountability and ensure that the follow-ups from product reviews are executed on? 6.) How can leaders ensure that they do not dominate product reviews with the weight of their words? How can they give designers and devs the space to share their thoughts without being judged?


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