The Squad Room
18min2022 MAR 10


In this short Briefing Topic episode, we cover 7 discipline failures you might be making. Discipline can be elusive for many of us. It’s not as simple as just motivation, momentum, or commitment. Hopefully these 7 topics give you something to think about that can help you every day. I want to offer you something that I’m very excited about, and it’s absolutely FREE. We have launched Tactical Tuesdays – a free weekly email where we bring you a few tactics, tips and strategies to help you succeed in the week ahead. It may be about a book I want to share, gear I’ve found useful, an inspiring quote, or anything else I think you’d like. To sign up for the Tactical Tuesdays email list, you can visit or just text your email address to 805-364-2331. I promise we won’t sell or spam your email account. If you want to know how you can support the show, there are a few ways to do that: If you like what you heard today, if you got something out of the conversation, please consider leaving a review on the podcast player of your choice. If you have a few seconds, please leave a comment with your review. Second, share this episode or any other episode you loved with people you know need to hear it. You can share episodes right from our webpage at and from most podcast players. Also, join our FB group and follow me on IG @thesquadroom A special thanks to our sponsor for today’s episode, CommGear Supply. If you’re looking for the best prices and industry leading warranty coverage on your radio equipment, make sure you check them out and use the coupon code thesquadroom to get 10% off your order. A special thanks to our sponsor for today’s episode If cleaning up your name on the internet and making it harder for criminals to find you is important to you, check out the deal at where you’ll get a FREE USB data blocker and a one free month of monitoring when you sign up. There are some great companies who support the podcast and support you as well. Go to to see exclusive deals from, CommGear Supply, Signature Coins, Hard to Kill Fitness, Onnit, RangerUp, Hard Head Veterans, and Audible. If you’re looking for the best fitting ballistic helmet that exceeds NIJ standards and won’t break the bank, check out and use the coupon code “thesquadroom” to get $20 off your helmet.
