The Squad Room
14min2022 FEB 22


In this short episode I cover six ways that you can boost your resilience starting right now. Learn more at I want to offer you something that I’m very excited about, and it’s absolutely FREE. We have launched Tactical Tuesdays – a free weekly email where we bring you a few tactics, tips and strategies to help you succeed in the week ahead. It may be about a book I want to share, gear I’ve found useful, an inspiring quote, or anything else I think you’d like. To sign up for the Tactical Tuesdays email list, you can visit or just text your email address to 805-364-2331. I promise we won’t sell or spam your email account. If you like what you heard today, if you got something out of this, please consider leaving a review on the podcast player of your choice. If you have a few seconds, please leave a comment with your review. Second, share this episode or any other episode you loved with people you know need to hear it. You can s...
