Hormones in Harmony
1h 7min2021 OCT 18
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Mimi Lindquist (nicknamed The Mushroom Queen) is a Culinary Nutrition Expert, AHCC educator and host of The Medicin Podcast, which focuses on expansion for body, mind + relationship. Mimi teaches people every day via online courses, social media and her podcast how to incorporate more medicinal mushrooms into their lifestyle in easy and delicious ways. She believes the dynamic intelligence of mushrooms belong in all of us, so she has committed herself to being a link from clinical research to the public to help others take radical ownership of their health. We discuss: Mimi’s health journey & how she became the mushroom queen AHCC - symptoms/conditions it helps & success stories Why don’t we hear about some of these amazing functional foods in the mainstream media Recommend dosing What is HPV & remedies to help your immune system clear it naturally Mentioned: AHCC Research Association https://www.ahcc.net/ ICNIM https://icnim.org/en/ahcc/1/1/ Immune Intel AHCC https://www.getmimifit.com/store/ahcc Quality of Life AHCC https://qualityoflife.net/products/ahcc-kinoko-platinum Clear HPV Course https://www.getmimifit.com/clear Medicin Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-medicin/id1494522894 MY LINKS: Try my favourite ORGANO KING coffee - https://vivanaturalhealth.myorganogol... Grab my favourite BluBlox glasses - https://bit.ly/2UXkNqT Buy Queen of the Thrones CASTOR OIL PACK with 10% discount using code HORMONES10 - https://shopdrmarisol.com/discount/HO... Got a podcast question? Send you emails to hormonesinharmony@gmail.com Enjoyed this episode? Leave me a rating and review so that I can share this podcast with more women Want more from me? You can find me online... Website www.vivanaturalhealth.co.uk Instagram www.instagram.com/vivanaturalhealth Facebook www.facebook.com/vivanaturalhealth Email enquiries@vivanaturalhealth.co.uk Tune in now on iTunes, Spotify, my website or watch on Youtube (Viva Natural Health) If you are enjoying the podcast, please leave me a rating and review, as this helps me to reach more women and continue to interview awesome guests! Make sure you hit subscribe so that you never miss an episode!

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