The Castle Vault - A chronological deep-dive of Disney, PIXAR, and Marvel films/shows powered by Disney Plus
2h 14min2022 MAY 31


Welcome to the 129th episode of The Castle Vault! In this week's journey exploring the famed Disney Vault through the Disney Plus streaming service, we finish our final (for now) MCU series ... Hawkeye! In this episode, we wrap up with the final three episodes of the most surprising show in the MCU ... the Hawkeye series! Not always do the final episodes of an MCU show keep getting better, but that might be the case with Hawkeye. With constant twists and turns, surprise cameos, heart-wrenching moments, and the constant Christmas backdrop, it's safe to say that Hawkeye was a good show. But where will it end up on the Hierarchy? All this and more in Episode 129 of the Castle Vault! Stay magical, friends. Show Rundown Intro Housekeeping #CastleVaultCooking - SPICY MAC'N'CHEESE Disney Plus check-in Count the Clicks The Castle Vault - HAWKEYE EP. 4-6 (2021) Hierarchy of Heroes Villains Be Chillin' Comic Connections Marvelous Moments The Castle Vault MCU Mixtape Allusions Assemble Tech Time Talkin’ Tie-ins By the Numbers EPISODIC ELITE THE HIERARCHY I Spy ... With My One Good Eye Five Fun Facts Tough Trivia Time Emails We Recommend! NEXT WEEK'S SHOW IS: MCU WRAP-UP (for now) Want to contact us? Jason:@JasonInquires (Twitter and Instagram) & @JasonTCV (Twitter)/ @Jason_TCV (Instagram) Josh:@TheNoyse (Twitter and Instagram) Show:@TheCastleVault (Twitter and Instagram) TELL US WHAT YOU WANT TO WATCH FOR SEASON FOUR!
