akorn - Mighty Old Tales Retold12 Years a Slave - Chapters 20 and 21
45min2022 MAY 26
12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapters 20 and 21 Bass faithful to his word—his arrival on Christmas Eve—the difficulty of obtaining an interview—the meeting in the cabin—non-arrival of the letter—Bass announces his intention to proceed north—Christmas—conversation between Epps and Bass—young Mistress M’Coy, the beauty of Bayou Bœuf—the “ne plus ultra” of dinners—music and dancing—presence of the mistress—her exceeding beauty—the last slave dance—William Pierce—oversleep myself—the last whipping—despondency—the cold morning—Epps’ threats—the passing carriage—strangers approaching through the cotton-field—last hour on Bayou Bœuf The letter reaches Saratoga—is forwarded to Anne—is laid before Henry B. Northup—the Statute of May 14, 1840—its provisions—Anne’s memorial to the Governor—the affidavits accompanying it—Senator Soule’s letter—departure of the Agent appointed by the Governor—arrival at Marksville—the Hon. John P. Waddill—the conversation on New-York politics—it suggests a fortunate idea—the meeting with Bass—the secret out—legal proceedings instituted—departure of Northup and the Sheriff from Marksville for Bayou Bœuf—arrangements on the way—reach Epps’ plantation—discover his slaves in the cotton field—the meeting—the farewell