akorn - Mighty Old Tales Retold12 Years a Slave - Chapter 12
21min2022 MAY 18
12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapter 12 Personal appearance of Epps—Epps, drunk and sober—a glimpse of his history—cotton growing—the mode of ploughing and preparing ground—of planting—of hoeing, of picking, of treating raw hands—the difference in cotton pickers—Patsey a remarkable one—tasked according to ability—beauty of a cotton field—the slave’s labors—fear on approaching the gin-house—weighing—“chores”—cabin life—the corn mill—the uses of the gourd—fear of oversleeping—fear continually—mode of cultivating corn—sweet potatoes—fertility of the soil—fattening hogs—preserving bacon—raising cattle—shooting-matches—garden products—flowers and verdure