16min2021 FEB 24


11. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey This is the big idea. Best-selling books in 15 minutes on Himalaya learning today, we'll be reading the seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen R Covey. [00:00:24] Becoming a transformational leader. Doesn't happen overnight. There is no quick fix for developing the character necessary to empower others, to be their best selves. But according to Stephen Covey in his landmark book, the seven habits of highly effective people, there are certain mindsets and behaviors that each of us can practice on a daily basis to become successful and effective. [00:00:51] Okay. It all comes down to seven distinct habits to start. You must become truly proactive and begin each project with the end in mind. Next, you need to develop the discipline to put first things. First, when you interact with others, it's crucial that you approach things with a win-win mindset and that you seek first to understand, and then to be under...
