Canadian Immigration Podcast
53min2020 JUN 13


During this episode Canadian Immigration Lawyers Mark Holthe and Arghavan Gerami get into discussion on whether the approaches taken by the CBSA during COVID-19 go in line with the principles of the Open Government, transparency and rule of law. Lack of responsiveness to the dialogue between CBSA and law practitioners and public played important role in formulating the view that people were left on their own in figuring out the details of the legal basis upon which the officers make their decisions at the border. In a pandemic people need more transparency and clarity on new policies and procedures that the Government implements. However, as discussed during this episode many attempts to bring clarify and request any information that would allow people to be aware of new changes in cross-border travel were left unanswered. The host and guest of this episode also address the issue of lack of communication from the Government in interpreting what is considered to be “non-essential” ...
