Low FODMAP Diet and IBS Podcast
47min2017 JUN 21


RD Erin Peisach is specialised in Functional Bowel Disordersand her specialties include GERD, IBS, SIBO, Crohn's, Colitis, Celiac, and EoE. Her aim is to educate her clients and guide them through five key areas: diet, supplements, physical activity, sleep and stress management. In this episode, you’ll learn: Erin's own struggles with digestive issues. How Erin realised thatthe low FODMAP diet helped her clients suffering from IBS more than other diets? What is a Functional Bowel Disorders? Erin'sapproach in treating teenagers and young adults. The difference between acid reflux and GERD. Erin's tips to heal acid reflux without medication. How stress affects the digestive system? The importance of finding the root cause of symptoms. The difference between lactose intolerance, dairy allergy and dairy intolerance. Can probiotics help IBS sufferers? To read the show notes for this episode, please visit: www.lowfodmapdiets.com/38
