Low FODMAP Diet and IBS Podcast
56min2017 APR 6


Today's guest is Australian entrepreneur, filmmaker, author and wellness advocateJoe Cross. He is very known for his incredible health transformation, featured in his very successful film, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, which has been watched by over 25 million people around the world. In his movie he talks about his journey back to health by following a 60-day fresh juice fast, while travelling across the United States. After the phenomenal success of his first movie, my guest created a health and lifestyle company to help other people with their health journey and he has also published several books about juicing, including a New York Times bestseller, and directed two more feature documentaries: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 and The Kids Menu. Together with Joe, we also have registered dietitian, wellness expert and fitness coach, Isabel Smith. Isabel is also the Founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition and she is the Nutritionist at Reboot with Joe. In this episode you'll learn: Joe’s journey b...
