The Nine Growth Principles

The Nine Growth Principles

The Essential Principles of Growth

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3 小時 10 分鐘
11 聲音
In this breakthrough course, bestselling author and entrepreneur Seth Godin takes people through the nine basic principles that separate the successful projects from the rest. Delivered in his signature style, these lessons are designed to be reviewed, shared and most of all, used as a tool for forward motion.

What You'll Learn

  • How to appropriately scale your business

  • How to identify and cater to your customer base

  • How to leverage your assets

  • Seth Godin
    Seth Godin
    Founder of Akimbo & Master Marketer

The scale of your project or business will determine almost every other decision and constraint. It’s a choice, not something that happens to you. Are you a freelancer without any employees, or does your business need a staff of tens, hundreds, or thousands, to fulfill its stated purpose?The scale of your project or business will determine almost every other decision and constraint. It’s a choice, not something that happens to you. Are you a freelancer without any employees, or does your busi...

You need to know your customers if you're going to solve their problem, and the best way to know them is to choose who they are. In this lesson, we'll explore strategies to identify what your target market is, and how it might be different from your initial assumptions. We'll also talk about what the smallest viable audience really is, why it's so valuable, and how to reach those critical people.“Anyone who buys from me” is not a useful strategy.

An asset is something you own. It could be machines, products, property, talents, skills, relationships, brands, and on and on. Anything that you can leverage for an advantage in the business you are doing. In this lesson, we'll talk about how to think about assets, the value of hard assets and soft assets, the opportunities they represent, and even the limitations they may impose.“Just me, my hard work and my wits” sells yourself short.


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