Growth Marketing 101

Growth Marketing 101

As seen at Google & Slack

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2 小時 35 分鐘
11 聲音

Learn how to grow a company, master the new disciplines of ‘Growth’ and ‘Growth Marketing,’ and hear about the people, strategies, and myths behind growth from Google and Slack’s Holly Chen.

What You'll Learn

  • How to effectively market a business for hyper-growth 
  • How to grow a company through SEO optimization & advertising best practices
  • How to guarantee growth through successful product management 
  • Holly Chen
    Holly Chen
    Former Slack & Google Growth Lead

Explore the evolution of marketing over the last decade, including how it used to be defined; how Hotmail, Airbnb, and LinkedIn mastered growth hacking; and how the new discipline of Growth was born.

Learn about the importance of growth, learn a helpful framework for user behavior metrics, and more.

Using, Groupon, and Homejoy as case studies, we take a look at the real-life rollercoaster ride of business growth.

Continue to explore the principles of Growth Marketing through the lenses of product management, analytics, engineering, and design.

Take a deep dive into social media, content marketing, SEO, advertising, and more

Learn about product-led growth through Holly’s own personal experiences of success with Slack.

Discover a customer-centric approach to ensuring growth, from addressing your audience’s needs, to identifying your metrics, and experimenting.

Get the fundamentals of low-budget growth, as you develop the tools to amplify a brand affordably through SEO, content marketing, social media, referrals, and more.

Expand your horizons into high-budget growth, as we explore how search ads, display ads, social media ads, events, and more, can help get you on the path to hyper-growth.

Fine-tune your hiring skills as Holly walks us through identifying strong “growth people,” and advises on how to build a strong growth team and culture.


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