PCOS and Food Peace

PCOS and Food Peace

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Do you experience PCOS? Well, then pull up a chair and let's chat. This podcast was made just for you.Listen to interesting people discuss how they got diagnosed with PCOS, the best (and worst) advice they received, and ways they experience health and peace. Interviews with fellow PCOS companions including Jes Baker, Sophie Carter-Kahn, Ivy Felicia, Caroline Dooner, Laura Burns, Dani Adriana, Chevese Turner, Shira Rosenbluth and Sasha Ottey. They describe their experiences with body image, weight concerns, diets, food, infertility, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, ADD, ADHD, weight loss attempts, health care, and so much more. What won't you hear? Another crappy diet recommendation. We know diets don't work even though you've been pressured to lose weight to treat PCOS. There is another way to eat and experience life. We can't wait to share with you how.Hosted by dietitian Julie Duffy Dillon and dietitian-in-training Kimmie Singh, they are PCOS experts passionate about fat positive interventions.We hope this podcast supports you along your Food Peace journey. Come join the conversation. We have a comfortable spot at the table waiting for you.

Do you have PCOS and tired of dieting? The PCOS and Food Peace Podcast was made just for you. This episode will get you acquainted with the PCOS and Food Peace journey. Listen to interesting people discuss how they got diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

This Chapter of the PCOS and Food Peace Podcast is brought to you by Julie's PCOS and Food Peace course. Get 25% off using the coupon code 'podcast' at check out. Get all the details here: PCOS and Food Peace Course Dietitian PCOS and Food Peace Course Did you enjoy the podcast? Leave us a rating, review, subscribe or share the podcast! Doing these small acts of kindness help the show grow and connect more with the concept of Food Peace. Notes: Your First 3 Steps Toward Food Peace with PCOS download Movement and PCOS PCOS and Nutrition blog posts Jes Baker's post on facial hair Jes's Web:MilitantBaker.com Jes's Books: Landwhale (aff) or Things No One Tells Fat Girls (aff) Instagram: @TheMilitantBaker PCOS and Food Peace Support Club on Facebook Green Mountain at Fox Run Health at Every Size (HAES) Julie Dillon RD blog Thank you to Theralogix, the makers of Ovasitol, for sponsoring the podcast. Ovasitol is an inositol supplement with a blend of myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol, in t...

This Chapter of the PCOS and Food Peace Podcast is brought to you by Julie's PCOS and Food Peace course. Get 25% off using the coupon code 'podcast' at check out. Get all the details here: PCOS and Food Peace Course Dietitian PCOS and Food Peace Course Did you enjoy the podcast? Leave us a rating, review, subscribe or share the podcast! Doing these small acts of kindness help the show grow and connect more with the concept of Food Peace. Notes: Your First 3 Steps Toward Food Peace with PCOS download PCOS and Nutrition blog posts Sophie'sPodcast: She's All Fat Sophie's Web: sophiack.com Sophie's Instagram: @_sophick_ PCOS and Food Peace Support Club on Facebook Health at Every Size (HAES) Julie Dillon RD blog Thank you to Theralogix, the makers of Ovasitol, for sponsoring the podcast. Ovasitol is an inositol supplement with a blend of myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol, in the body's optimal ratio of 40 to 1. Inositols are nutrients that help to decrease insulin resistance, promote me...

This Chapter of the PCOS and Food Peace Podcast is brought to you by Julie's PCOS and Food Peace course. Get 25% off using the coupon code 'podcast' at check out. Get all the details here: PCOS and Food Peace Course Dietitian PCOS and Food Peace Course Did you enjoy the podcast? Leave us a rating, review, subscribe or share the podcast! Doing these small acts of kindness help the show grow and connect more with the concept of Food Peace. Notes: Your First 3 Steps Toward Food Peace with PCOS download PCOS and Nutrition blog posts Ivy's Web: MeMyBodyandLove.com Ivy's Instagram: @IvyFelicia PCOS and Food Peace Support Club on Facebook Health at Every Size (HAES) Intuitive Eating 10 principles Julie Dillon RD blog Thank you to Theralogix, the makers of Ovasitol, for sponsoring the podcast. Ovasitol is an inositol supplement with a blend of myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol, in the body's optimal ratio of 40 to 1. Inositols are nutrients that help to decrease insulin resistance, promote ...

This Chapter of the PCOS and Food Peace Podcast is brought to you by Julie's PCOS and Food Peace course. Get 25% off using the coupon code 'podcast' at check out. Get all the details here: PCOS and Food Peace Course Dietitian PCOS and Food Peace Course Did you enjoy the podcast? Leave us a rating, review, subscribe or share the podcast! Doing these small acts of kindness help the show grow and connect more with the concept of Food Peace. Notes: Your First 3 Steps Toward Food Peace with PCOS download PCOS and Nutrition blog posts Caroline's Web: TheFuckItDiet.com Caroline's Instagram: @TheFuckItDiet Caroline's Book: The Fuck It Diet (aff) PCOS and Food Peace Support Club on Facebook Laura Thomas's Don't Salt My Game Podcast (linked to an episode on PCOS) Intuitive Eating 10 principles Health at Every Size (HAES) Julie Dillon RD blog Thank you to Theralogix, the makers of Ovasitol, for sponsoring the podcast. Ovasitol is an inositol supplement with a blend of myo-inositol and D-chiro-...

This Chapter of the PCOS and Food Peace Podcast is brought to you by Julie's PCOS and Food Peace course. Get 25% off using the coupon code 'podcast' at check out. Get all the details here: PCOS and Food Peace Course Dietitian PCOS and Food Peace Course Did you enjoy the podcast? Leave us a rating, review, subscribe or share the podcast! Doing these small acts of kindness help the show grow and connect more with the concept of Food Peace. Notes: Your First 3 Steps Toward Food Peace with PCOS download PCOS and Nutrition blog posts Binge Eating Disorder Association Web:BEDAonline.com Chevese's Web: BEDRecovery.com Chevese's Book: Binge Eating Disorder: The Journey to Recovery and Beyond (aff) Fat Friendly Docs HAES Community PCOS and Food Peace Support Club on Facebook Association of Size Diversity and Health Intuitive Eating principles Health at Every Size (HAES) Julie Dillon RD blog Thank you to Theralogix, the makers of Ovasitol, for sponsoring the podcast. Ovasitol is an inositol s...

This Chapter of the PCOS and Food Peace Podcast is brought to you by Julie's PCOS and Food Peace course. Get 25% off using the coupon code 'podcast' at check out. Get all the details here: PCOS and Food Peace Course Dietitian PCOS and Food Peace Course Did you enjoy the podcast? Leave us a rating, review, subscribe or share the podcast! Doing these small acts of kindness help the show grow and connect more with the concept of Food Peace. Notes: Your First 3 Steps Toward Food Peace with PCOS download PCOS and Nutrition blog posts Laura's Web: RadicalBodyLove.com Laura's Instagram: @RadicalBodyLove Fat Friendly Docs Dances with Fat blog Lean in/Lean out concentric circles...actually called The Ring Theory. Read a discussion here in the LA Times. Intuitive Eating principles Happy and Hairy Instagram @HappyAndHairy PCOS and Food Peace Support Club on Facebook Health at Every Size (HAES) Julie Dillon RD blog Thank you to Theralogix, the makers of Ovasitol, for sponsoring the podcast. Ova...

This Chapter of the PCOS and Food Peace Podcast is brought to you by Julie's PCOS and Food Peace course. Get 25% off using the coupon code 'podcast' at check out. Get all the details here: PCOS and Food Peace Course Dietitian PCOS and Food Peace Course Did you enjoy the podcast? Leave us a rating, review, subscribe or share the podcast! Doing these small acts of kindness help the show grow and connect more with the concept of Food Peace. Notes: Your First 3 Steps Toward Food Peace with PCOS download PCOS and Nutrition blog posts Dani's Web: IamDaniAdriana.com Dani's Instagram: @IamDaniAdriana HAES Community Association of Size Diversity and Health Intuitive Eating principles PCOS and Food Peace Support Club on Facebook Health at Every Size (HAES) Julie Dillon RD blog Thank you to Theralogix, the makers of Ovasitol, for sponsoring the podcast. Ovasitol is an inositol supplement with a blend of myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol, in the body's optimal ratio of 40 to 1. Inositols are nu...

This Chapter of the PCOS and Food Peace Podcast is brought to you by Julie's PCOS and Food Peace course. Get 25% off using the coupon code 'podcast' at check out. Get all the details here: PCOS and Food Peace Course Dietitian PCOS and Food Peace Course Did you enjoy the podcast? Leave us a rating, review, subscribe or share the podcast! Doing these small acts of kindness help the show grow and connect more with the concept of Food Peace. Notes: Your First 3 Steps Toward Food Peace with PCOS download PCOS and Nutrition blog posts Read our blog post about what Inositols can do to help your PCOS. Shira's Web: ASequinLoveAffair.com Shira's Web: DrConason.com Shira's Instagram: @ASequinLoveAffair PCOS and Food Peace Support Club on Facebook Beauty Redefined Podcast HAES Community Association of Size Diversity and Health Intuitive Eating principles Julie Dillon RD blog Thank you to Theralogix, the makers of Ovasitol, for sponsoring the podcast. Ovasitol is an inositol supplement with a bl...

This Chapter of the PCOS and Food Peace Podcast is brought to you by Julie's PCOS and Food Peace course. Get 25% off using the coupon code 'podcast' at check out. Get all the details here: PCOS and Food Peace Course Dietitian PCOS and Food Peace Course Did you enjoy the podcast? Leave us a rating, review, subscribe or share the podcast! Doing these small acts of kindness help the show grow and connect more with the concept of Food Peace. Notes: Your First 3 Steps Toward Food Peace with PCOS download PCOS and Nutrition blog posts(written by Kimmie) Kimmie'sWeb: TastingAbundance.com Kimmie's Instagram: @TastingAbundance PCOS and Food Peace Support Club on Facebook HAES Community Association of Size Diversity and Health Intuitive Eating principles Julie Dillon RD blog Thank you to Theralogix, the makers of Ovasitol, for sponsoring the podcast. Ovasitol is an inositol supplement with a blend of myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol, in the body's optimal ratio of 40 to 1. Inositols are nutr...

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