Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with ADHD, ADD

Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with ADHD, ADD

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Overcoming Distractions is a book written by David A Greenwood on thriving with Adult ADHD. The Podcast is a show dedicated to telling the stories of those who have thrived with ADHD. From small business owners, inventors, entrepreneurs and many more, you will hear how they have used ADHD in their favor and tools to make ADHD work for you. There is no complaining here, just street smart advice on how to crush ADHD. Even if you don’t have ADHD, you’ll hear how these entrepreneurs and coaches define success and get action items that you can implement in your life.

Jeff Gibbard and Sara Ohanesian are back on the podcast to discuss ADHD and the myths surrounding productivity and focus. Many people with ADHD have let Tick Tock, Twitter, and Instagram influence how they think about their behaviors and habits. Especially when it comes to strategies and tactics for being productive and focused. To be direct, we let others on social media tell us what works and doesn't. When in fact, those with ADHD need to try a variety of these tactics to find out what works for us and our personal circumstances. We discuss the following in this podcast about productivity and ADHD. First, why do we let outside influences dictate our abilities? And have some of us just made up our minds? We discuss why we need to be curious and not dismissive of productivity tactics. One tried, and true way is to break projects down into small chunks and learn about the different systems that allow us to complete these projects. We talk about paying attention to what is working for you as a person with ADHD as well as what it feels like. We talk about paying attention to your reactions and when you try a certain productivity technique, try to understand if you like it or do not like it. The podcast covers so much more regarding myths about ADHD and productivity. Stay with it until the end because this podcast offers many great tips. If you have your mind made up about the productivity techniques that are working or not working for you, this podcast will change your mind. Find Jeff and Sarah here: https://getsuperproductive.com/

Grant Crowell is back to continue the conversation about how to return to the office successfully. Grant is the Author of Grantasms Creative twisted words for cool people!and a self-professed social wordsmith. Grant has extensive experience in corporate training and support. Grant discusses several of the challenges some of us face when asked to return to an office setting. These include having a new work set up such as a desk or workspace as well as adjusting to a possible hybrid scenario. He also discusses maybe not having an ideal office setup. Grant also talks about how your routine could change because of a different schedule, and the need for different types of communication and real-time interaction. Grand and Dave discuss the benefits of going back to the office. Those of us with ADHD are social animals so that face to face time for many of us is a benefit. Not only in the office but our ability to go out to lunch or other social activities. It also helps build new routines ...

This week we have back Grant Crowell, Author of Grantasms Creative twisted words for cool people! and a self-professed social wordsmith. Grant and Dave discuss how to go back to the office full time, survive in a continuing remote work environment or how maximize hybrid working. As we are all too familiar with, the pandemic challenged our way of working for just about everyone. Especially if you work in an office environment. Now, after two plus years, many companies are refocusing their efforts on what their workforce will look like and how they will work. Grant is a seasoned corporate trainer in many different environments and industries and shares his tips in part one of this series on how to maximize your work environment, regardless of where you work. Grant discusses what he saw that were some major challenges to remote work including the basic needs of having an office, inadequate Internet connections, and getting used to sporadic communication with coworkers and supervisors. ...

In this short podcast with Dave, he talks about some of the ways in which you can improve your mindset to believe in yourself and understand that your brain is capable of much more than you think. Yes, those of us with ADHD have strengths and weaknesses like everyone else but it's important not to focus on the weaknesses that can bring us down into negativity daily. For example, racking up even the smallest of wins can help us create a positive way of thinking. Continuing to engage in negativity including the negativity that happens often on social media platforms only limits possibilities. Want to work with Dave? https://overcomingdistractions.com/workwithme/

Many of us with ADHD take the self-employment route. Sometimes we have great ideas and want to run the show, other times maybe it's our only route because the corporate world isn't a great place for us to be. And…Maybe we got fired… Working for yourself is incredibly rewarding but it takes discipline, vision, and an obsession with minimizing distractions. Even if you don't actually own a business but maybe you're in sales, a freelancer, or another career where growth and revenue are directly related to your effort, listen up. Dave talks about three habits that entrepreneurs with ADHD do very well in this short podcast. There are many more critical habits that a self-employed person with ADHD needs to have but Dave talks about some of the top ones here. Staying focused on these three things will allow you to have less stress, manage ADHD much better as well as thrive in business and in life. Are you a self-employed person with ADHD and want to work with Dave? https://overcomingdist...

If you are an adult with ADHD and you are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur or opening your own business, you'll want to listen to this brief podcast to hear Dave's must-haves before starting your own business. Many people with ADHD end up opening their own businesses. Maybe full-time, maybe side hustle. It's important to have a number of things in place to avoid a disaster both financially and mentally. Dave has owned a restaurant, karate school, and thriving public relations firm and he has advice if you are thinking of going out on your own. Many with ADHD want to go out on their own because they feel they can do it better than in the corporate world, can't seem to find the right job that is a good fit for their brains or they just feel they can shape their future much better as an entrepreneur. Here Dave's tips and must-haves for becoming an entrepreneur with ADHD. If you are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, you can work with Dave to put the systems in place and build a ...

One of the best ways to thrive with adult ADHD is through effective routines and proper systems. It's also great if the important things in your life have a place where you can find them. Effective routines that are tailored to our lives and our careers help guide us throughout the day and provide tremendous benefits for reducing the stress of having ADHD. This week we have Skye Rapson on the podcast who is the founder of the Unconventional Organisation based in Auckland New Zealand. Skye and her team offer ADHD coaching and other services and everything are offered by those with ADHD. Many people with ADHD feel they are stuck but Skye is a doctoral candidate. She is living proof that people with ADHD can thrive and achieve the goals they want. She discusses briefly how she has been able to navigate school and other life commitments to get to this point in her life. Skye and her team focus a lot on routines with their clients including how they work closely to identify overwhelmed a...

In this ADHD Minute version of the podcast, Dave talks about some basic tips for improving our communication with others. Especially when we have ADHD. Dave talks about some of the reasons why communication may break down and how to gain better awareness of where we need to improve communication. If we are going to thrive in our careers as an adult with ADHD, one of the most basic ways to do that is to get good at communicating with others. We need to take charge of our communication. He talks about how better communication can help us do our jobs better, reduce procrastination, solve problems, make fewer mistakes and reduce our overall stress. And he gives tips for how we can improve our communication with others. Check out Dave's new book here Overcoming Burnout. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WQ17T22 Do you want to work with Dave for your ADHD support system or burnout coaching? Check out your options here. https://overcomingdistractions.com/workwithme/

What is the difference between knowing about ADHD and owning our ADHD? Jeff Copper from DIG Coaching comes back on Overcoming Distractions to discuss this topic. Don't forget to check out Dave's new book-Overcoming Burnout. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WQ17T22 If adults with ADHD are going to thrive in life and in professional settings, we are going to have to understand how to own our ADHD. It's important for us to understand our individual ADHD as well as how our brain operates but it is also equally important for those with ADHD to be able to take charge. Jeff copper and Dave talk about what it takes to actually be in charge of your ADHD and take ownership of it. First, Jeff gives us a refresher course on executive functions and includes information about how important self-awareness is as well as emotional self-regulation. He discusses exactly what self-awareness is and if those with ADHD can truly be aware of themselves and their surroundings. Jeff and Dave also discussed the r...

There is one thing we absolutely know about adult ADHD. We have to try different strategies and tactics to be able to thrive in life and in business. As we mentioned in a previous podcast, we need to constantly be trying differently to find what works for our personal situations. Sadly, many on social media discount many strategies and flat out tell their audiences that these do not work for people with ADHD. The bottom line is you need to find what works for you whether it's traditional advice or ADHD tactics that fit into your own personal situations. In this ADHD minute, Dave briefly discusses how those of us with ADHD can continue to analyze our personal situations and develop strategies that will help us thrive. That includes advice from people who are not in the ADHD community. Don't forget to check out Dave's new book Overcoming Burnout. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WQ17T22

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