Medium Well

Medium Well

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Welcome to the Medium Well podcast with Sara Weinreb, your host and guinea pig. Medium Well follows Sara's adventures and misadventures with navigating transitions, embracing uncertainty, and figuring out what it means to be human on this very fine and often confusing planet. Along the way, Sara openly (like, really openly) speaks to everyone from spiritual guides to career coaches, accomplished entrepreneurs and healers, consultants and creatives, all in hopes of finding her way to Medium Well.

This episode is a bit of a rant— I am so frustrated seeing folks on the internet telling others what to do. The truth is they have no idea how you operate, what your privilege and access is, your mental and physical health, your trauma response, how your brain works, or more. I break down why this frustrates me so much, and how to avoid it. In this episode, I discuss: How no one can or should give general advice to an audience knowing what each individual should do How folks giving generalized advice don’t know your personal unique situation, yet tell you what to do Why it’s problematic that often people giving advice on the internet come from massive privilege and don’t acknowledge that Why you should focus on sharing experiences and your stories, versus giving (or taking) blind advice Mentioned in this episode: Want to request an episode topic or question you’d like me to answer? Contact me here or shoot me a DM on Instagram (@saraweinreb). How to keep up with my work: IMBY, ...

Someone asked me how I approach seeing folks I know posting or re-posting conspiracy theory and conspirituality-focused content on social media. In this episode, I break down my approach to these conversations, when I engage, when I do not engage, and how I assess the situation! In this episode, I discuss: My process when I see someone I know post something problematic How I decide when to engage and when not to engage Why I (generally) don’t engage with true conspiracy theory folks Mentioned in this episode: Conspirituality Podcast Want to request an episode topic or question you’d like me to answer? Contact me here or shoot me a DM on Instagram (@saraweinreb). How to keep up with my work: IMBY, my new virtual community center, where we talk about the topics discussed on this podcast and more. Follow @gatherimby on Instagram to keep up with what’s going on in the community center. Follow me, @saraweinreb, on IG for more podcast episodes, mediocre reels, and rants

Of course this title is a little tongue-in-cheek, but the question remains: how do we be anti-capitalist and also thrive within the capitalist structure we exist under? I don’t have the answer, but in this episode, I break down how I am thinking about this question which I am asking and you might be too. In this episode, I discuss: Questions I am asking myself as I explore existing as an anti-capitalist in my daily life Considering your “enough” point Rethinking your pricing if you’re an entrepreneur Exploring redistribution of your wealth and income Mentioned in this episode: My amazing coach Alexis Rockley Want to request an episode topic or question you’d like me to answer? Contact me here or shoot me a DM on Instagram (@saraweinreb). How to keep up with my work: IMBY, my new virtual community center, where we talk about the topics discussed on this podcast and more. Follow @gatherimby on Instagram to keep up with what’s going on in the community center. Follow me, @sarawei...

Today’s topic of conversation came about from something that recently came up at an IMBY gathering about standing out as an entrepreneur in a saturated market. Is there really space for everyone? How do you find your people? I don’t have all the answers, of course, but in this episode, I share some ideas to play around with. If you try them out, I’d love to hear how it went! In this episode, I discuss: The beauty and challenges of everything moving online during the pandemic How to narrow in your audience to be clearer on who you’re trying to reach Explore creating a more specific offering Seeking local partnerships How there are no clear answers for the uncertain times we’re in Mentioned in this episode: Want to request an episode topic or question you’d like me to answer? Contact me here or shoot me a DM on Instagram (@saraweinreb). How to keep up with my work: IMBY, my new virtual community center, where we talk about the topics discussed on this podcast and more. Follow @g...

There’s a lot of talk about anti-capitalist business in my communities, and while I have been embodying some of the principles for some time now, I built IMBY with anti-capitalism as a core value. In this episode, I break down four ways that I am approaching anti-capitalism in my business, with specific examples. Please note— I am not an expert on this topic! I am still learning and growing, and if there are things you’ve learned that you’d like to share or ways I can evolve my understanding of the topic, I am always open to feedback and conversation. In this episode, I discuss: How I am approaching anti-capitalism as an entrepreneur with a small business How I define anti-capitalism (a work in progress!) Using a sliding scale for equity and accessibility How we focus on the collective Why we are transparent with our finances Mentioned in this episode: Jennifer Patterson of Corpus Ritual’s sliding scale IMBY’s sliding scale details and transparency reports Want to request an e...

Welcome back to Medium Well! Today I am launching a solo series where I break down topics I am thinking about, learning about, or have expertise in-- all in 5-15(ish) minute episodes. More about this format at the beginning of this episode! In today's episode, I speak about something I am thinking about as I learn more about equity-centered design (a reframe of design thinking)-- who's in the room, and who has access to making decisions within our businesses? I break down what I am learning and thinking about in my business and beyond! In this episode, I discuss: What my new solo series is all about How I am changing my thinking about design thinking, and learning more about equity-centered design Evaluating who has decision-making power in your organization and if it’s the same folks who are impacted by the decisions being made (and why it’s problematic if the latter folks aren’t included) Valuing lived experience in addition to professional experience Mentioned in this episode:...

Well hi! It’s been a while. Today I am sharing about my journey towards determining that I was out of alignment with my deep values and passion in social justice work, and my journey back, including launching a new business! If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a bit, you know I started it to figure out what I wanted to do after closing my ethical fashion business, and I am so excited to share my new business, one that feels so right for my interest, passions, and the community I seek to build and be a part of. Listen in for the journey and the details! PS— This episode is being posted about 6 weeks after it was recorded, so the events I mentioned already past. Apologies! Lots of great offerings coming up. In this episode, I discuss: How I realized that I was not in alignment with my true roots in social justice work Why I am finding wellness more and more problematic these days as it’s lacking a “so what” My journey over the past year to find my way back to the work I truly want to pursue in the world Working with a new coach and what that process was like What my new business is— IMBY! A virtual community center for people who give a shit about co-creating a more just and equitable future. Mentioned in this episode: IMBY, my new virtual community center! Learn more about the IMBY membership and our upcoming events. Use the code “mediumwell” for 50% off your first month (at any price point on our sliding scale). Alexis Rockley, my incredible coach! My rose cardamom hot cacao mix via the IMBY merch shop. Follow @gatherimby on Instagram to keep up with what’s going on in the community center!

In today’s solo episode I give a life update on what I’ve been thinking about and working on personally and professionally, my break from Instagram, returning to the intention of this podcast, and why I am wrapping up season two. I also discuss my commitment to you as a community, and how a recent experience allowed me to further realign with that mission. That’s a wrap on season two— if you want to stay in the loop with my offerings, thoughts, and when season 3 is released, subscribe to my weekly newsletter, Sara… lately, or say hi on the ‘gram! In this episode, I discuss: Update on where I am at in my business How I have been exploring experiments all year, and what it has taught me A return to the original intention of this podcast Why I am wrapping up season two My commitment to community and integrity Mentioned in this episode: My newsletter, Sara… lately. Subscribe to keep up to date with curated resources, my offerings, and new podcast launches. Starter, my business fu...

In this episode, I chat with and receive an Akashic Records reading from Hilary Pearlson, a healing guide and Akashic Records reader, and a very dear friend. Hilary is such a talented healing guide as someone who has been on a powerful healing journey for quite some time (more on that in episode 11, her first episode of Medium Well!) and a year ago she started reading the Akashic Records. In this episode, we chat about her experience reading the records and evolving her business, and she gives me a full hour-long Akashic Records reading which you get to eavesdrop on! In this episode, we discuss: What are the Akashic Records? (more on from Hilary here) Hilary’s journey into reading the Akashic Records How Hilary evolved her business to include Akashic Records readings Dealing with skepticism and embracing possibility What Hilary has learned through her readings with clients How the Akashic Records have supported Hilary’s personal healing What’s nourishing and inspiring Hilary late...

A long time in the making, I finally chat with my wonderful and talented friends Sarah Kate Benjamin and Summer Singletary, herbalists, and co-founders of the Kosmic Kitchen. We talk about their journey into herbalism, how they chose to focus on kitchen medicine, their thoughts on how the field of herbalism is evolving, and so much more. We also talk all about their new cookbook (which is really also an herbalism textbook!), The Kosmic Kitchen Cookbook, which they recently published. In this episode, we discuss: How they Sarah and Summer came to herbalism through gardening How they decided to start The Kosmic Kitchen Where and when elemental living came into their herbalism practices Themes related to the elements playing out Sarah and Summer’s thoughts on herbalism is evolving as it becomes more popular Why it’s important to take a more nuanced approach to herbalism instead of an allopathic “pill for every ill” approach Sarah and Summer’s advice for getting started with herbs ...

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