Keto for Endurance Athletes

Keto for Endurance Athletes

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Welcome to the keto for endurance athletes podcast. Where we show you how to push through the nutrition and training barriers that are holding you back in order to finally get the healthy body and race results you've always wanted.

Jon Shane from the Keto Road discusses his journey to keto from a bodybuilder to a runner. #running #theketoroad #ketoadapted #strategiccarbs

Frank Sole discusses his new book The 5 B's of to a Successful Triathlon Swim. Many triathletes did not grow up swimming. Some coaches say we are doomed to have a poor triathlon swim. Then comes Frank Sole, he is your solution to a poor triathlon swim. He has spent the last few decades helping less than spectacular swimmers become exceptional swimmers and triathletes. You can find Frank at Sole Swim Solutions. He provides online and personal technique-driven, triathlon swim coaching. He has helped me become a better swimmer and he can help you too.

Running is more than putting one foot in front of the other. Dr. Johathan Edwards has taken running form and function to the next level, learning from the great Dr. Veronique Billat. Doc. Edwards has taken the details work of Dr. Billat's work on variable speed running in the book The Science of Marathon and the Art of Variable Pace. There is plenty of science to geek out in the book. If that is not your thing, no worries. Skip over that part and get to hands-on training to help you be a faster, and healthier runner. Coach Stephanie and Doc Edwards deviate the conversation to hormones. If you want to work with Doc Edwards when it comes to hormones. Check outOwn Your Labs by Dave Feldman. Doc. Edwards mentioned the book Estrogen Matters - Bluming and Tavris for questions about the importance of estrogen. Doc. Edward's Bio - Dr. Johnathan “Doc” Edwards knows what it takes to excel at today’s highest levels of athletic competition.A nutritional advisor for professional and amateur a...

TRENT HOLBERT FITNESS FIT FOR THE KINGDOM Delivering the highest quality of holistic coaching. Designed and customized with you in mind to create the greatest potential of human health and performance. Body-Mind-Spirit

Matt Bach won Ironman Maryland in 2014 with a time of 8:51, was the top amateur and 6th overall at Eagleman 70.3 in 2015, then 72nd overall in Kona 2015. Matt has been using UCAN since 2014 when he began his fat-adapted journey – he had GI distress and bonking issues prior to that, but UCAN helped him transform his approach to triathlon nutrition. He is such a big believer that he now works for the company as their Director for their Endurance Business. Matt worked on Wall Street for 9 years prior to making this career change. He lives in Summit, NJ with his wife, two kids (2 and 3 years old), and two long-haired miniaturedachshunds. He holds an MBA from Temple University and he loves a nice glass of scotch. UCAN on Facebook:handle is @GenUCAN or use this direct link: To Join the UCAN Community Facebook Group: UCAN on Instagram:handle is@GenUCAN or use this direct link:

Jessyca is a recovering bulimic and compulsive overeater. After battling eating disorders for 31 years, being hospitalized multiple times, and trying every diet and/or weight loss gimmick under the sun, she found herself at 309 pounds, her heaviest weight ever. Chronic depression led Jessyca into almost total isolation, and she rarely left the house. She finally reached a breaking point: her blood pressure was so high that she was in danger of serious health complications, and she could no longer even walk around the house without feeling exhausted. Knowing that she had achieved a measure of success on low carb diets before- as long as she stuck to it, that is- she decided she had to do something to regain her health, and committed to beginning a low carb lifestyle again. Finding the Ketovangelist website and Facebook page is something Jessyca continues to be thankful for. As she read and researched more, and finally began eating keto, Jessyca learned that this lifestyle was very di...

Peter Defty
1h 13min

Peter Defty is one of the pioneers in fat-adapted performance. He started in 2001, and subsequently with athletes he coached, eventually led to some stunning athletic performances all based upon optimizing fat metabolism.

Bulimia and Lyme disease survivor overcoming her health issues. 2x Ironman Finisher, Weight lifter, and Self Love Advocate.

Kim, like many who grew up during the low-fat craze in the 80’s and 90’s. She, like many many, struggled with her weight. She has struggled with food from the age of 8. When Kim found Keto and finally won her struggle with food. Keto has turned my health around in so many ways. I feel so moved to help others on their journey to living the life of their dreams: body, mind and spirit.

Jimmy Moore talks about his sabbatical and healing. #jimmymoore #keto #livinglavitalowcarb #lchf

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