Hey there everybody! My new podcast is called PixelLit, and I think it's really worth checking out. You can find our website at: https://www.pixellitpod.com and the podcast is available wherever fine podcasts are sold.
Spoiler Warning:This podcast contains spoilers for Red Dead Redemption 2, Doki Doki Literature Club, The Last Guardian, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, and Mother 3 In this episode, we took a look at how Melancholy can provide release and catharsis for video game players. Personal stories about their favorite moments come from Dylan Perry, Lady Pelvic, Max Marriner, Kate Kadowaki, and Megabite.
Independent game development is hard. Like any creative endeavor it involves pushing yourself for months, or years. And in the end, there’s no guarantee that it will connect with the audience. Littered across the various video game storefronts are small games, put together by people hoping to connect with others through play. A seldom few find success, and those that do, often find it in niche’s that are starved for attention… On today’s episode, we spoke to Airdorf, the developer of Faith about his growth as a developer, the Satanic Panic, as well as his own personal faith. Welcome to Arcadology. If you enjoy this video, give some thought to joining my Patreon. Money earned through Patreon will help me produce higher quality content, more frequently, so if you have the means, please consider. https://www.patreon.com/arcadology
In this episode, I go over the History of Super Mario Bros. 2 in celebration of the game's 30th anniversary. Check out the video version of the episode on my channel, youtube.com/arcadology.
In the late 1980s, Tetris for the Game Boy ended up taking the world by storm. But how did Nintendo end up with the licensing for the Russian game? In this short episode I go over a brief history of the licensing, and legal battles surrounding Tetris. Arcadology theme by:https://twitter.com/PAldousMusic Arcadology on the web:http://www.arcadology.net YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/arcadology Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/arcadology
This episode is part two of our interview with with industry veteranDavid Fox. We spoke about his exit from LucasArts, his exploration of location based entertainment and VR, his Rube Goldberg game, as well has Thimbleweed Park. Arcadology theme by:https://twitter.com/PAldousMusic Arcadology on the web:http://www.arcadology.net YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/arcadology Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/arcadology
In this episode we spoke with industry veteran David Foxabout his time at LucasFilm Games, his exploration of immersive entertainment, and his reunion working with the old LucasArts crew on Thimbleweed Park. This will be a two part episode, with the first part focusing on the early days of the point and click adventure game genre. Arcadology theme by:https://twitter.com/PAldousMusic Arcadology on the web: http://www.arcadology.net YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/arcadology Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/arcadology
We spoke with M. Joshua Cauller, a professional video game trailer editor. His previous work includes trailers for That Dragon Cancer and Darkest Dungeon. In this episode he spoke about his journey into his job as well as his hopes and aspirations for his career. Find him on twitter athttps://twitter.com/Mjoshuaand see his work athttp://mjoshua.com/ Arcadology theme by:https://twitter.com/PAldousMusic Arcadology on the web:http://www.arcadology.net YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/arcadology Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/arcadology
On today's episode we spoke with Star Stable Community Manager Stacy Place about her journey into the industry and the unique challenges presented by being a community manager for a game aimed at children. Stacy Place on Twitter: @onedizzypenguinStar Stable:https://www.starstable.com/en/ Arcadology Arcadology theme by:https://twitter.com/PAldousMusic Arcadology on the web:http://www.arcadology.net YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/arcadology Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/arcadology
We spoke with Adam Dolin, narrative designer for the new God of War game, about how he got his start in the video game industry as well as his work on the game. There are minor spoilers for God of War in this episode. Arcadology theme by:https://twitter.com/PAldousMusic Arcadology on the web:http://www.arcadology.net YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/arcadology Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/arcadology