Mindful by Design

Mindful by Design

How can we practice self-care through COVID & beyond?

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3 小時 22 分鐘
11 聲音

How can we practice self-care through COVID & beyond? And why should we? It’s easy to create distractions with the latest technology, news stories, or television shows. Welcome to Mindful by Design, a podcast all about mindfulness, meditation, evidence of how it all works and some guidance to make it work for you. Over five episodes and accompanying meditations, Rev angel Kyodo williams introduces core principles of the mindfulness practice through both science and lived experience.

  • Rev. angel Kyodo williams
    Rev. angel Kyodo williams
    Zen Buddhist priest

Rev angel Kyodo williams invites the listener to get curious about starting a mindfulness practice. To help start the journey, Rev sits down with Dr. Helen Weng and Professor Clifford Saron to introduce the theory and science of mindfulness, against the backdrop of their personal practices and research. Dr.HelenWengis an Assistant Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of California San Francisco. She is a faculty member at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine and an affiliate faculty member of the Neuroscape Center. For more on Dr. Weng's research,click here.Clifford Saron, PhD is a Research Scientist at the Center for Mind and Brain and MIND Institute at the University of California at Davis and has had a long-standing interest in the effects of contemplative practice on physiology and behavior. Dr. Saron directs the Shamatha Project, a multidisciplinary longitudinal investigation of the effects of intensive meditation on physiological and psychol...

Rev angel Kyodo williams invites the listener to get curious about starting a mindfulness practice. To help start the journey, Rev sits down with Dr. Helen Weng and Professor Clifford Saron to introduce the theory and science of mindfulness, against the backdrop of their personal practices and research.

Continuing on our journey of mindfulness, Rev angel Kyodo williams poses the question: why is it important to have a mindfulness practice that is tied to inner work as well as outer work? Dr. Sará King joins Rev in an awakening conversation about how wellness and social justice are one in the same and that mindfulness matters, not just for our personal lives, but also for the world we live in.

Continuing on our journey of mindfulness, Rev angel Kyodo williams poses the question: why is it important to have a mindfulness practice that is tied to inner work as well as outer work? Dr. Sará King joins Rev in an awakening conversation about how wellness and social justice are one in the same and that mindfulness matters, not just for our personal lives, but also for the world we live in.

Many of us are approaching the whole idea of mindfulness from very different backgrounds. Like we learned in the first episode, each brain and its chemistry is also unique. In this episode, Rev angel Kyodo williams and Dr. James Doty discuss compassion versus empathy and how understanding the said neuroscience can inform mindfulness techniques that allow us to remain calm in the storm. Dr. James Doty is the founder and director of theCenter for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford. For more from Dr. Doty, be on the lookout for his forthcoming podcast,Magic Brain Magic Heart, coming later this fall available wherever you get your podcasts.

Many of us are approaching the whole idea of mindfulness from very different backgrounds. Like we learned in the first episode, each brain and its chemistry is also unique. In this episode, Rev angel Kyodo williams and Dr. James Doty discuss compassion versus empathy and how understanding the said neuroscience can inform mindfulness techniques that allow us to remain calm in the storm.Dr. James Doty is the founder and director of theCenter for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford.For more from Dr. Doty, be on the lookout for his forthcoming podcast,Magic Brain Magic Heart, coming later this fall available wherever you get your podcasts.

How can we use lessons in mindfulness to bridge divides and unite nations? Rev angel speaks with Congressman Tim Ryan about his book, Healing America, and how he uses his own mindfulness practice to lead with clarity and seek the root of every issue. There are many unexpected paths to mindfulness practice. This episode, Rev. angel and Rep. Ryan explore ways to expand the practice beyond meditation to design a mindful life.

How can we use lessons in mindfulness to bridge divides and unite nations? Rev angel speaks with Congressman Tim Ryan about his book, Healing America, and how he uses his own mindfulness practice to lead with clarity and seek the root of every issue. There are many unexpected paths to mindfulness practice. This episode, Rev. angel and Rep. Ryan explore ways to expand the practice beyond meditation to design a mindful life.

Maintenance is as much art as it is science. In this final episode of Mindful by Design, Rev angel Kyodo williams is joined by writer, activist, and speaker, Yung Pueblo for an awakening conversation on the maintenance of the mindfulness practice. While the journey via this series concludes, hopefully with the foundations laid, your own journey in mindfulness continues to grow. Diego Perez is a meditator, writer, and speaker who is widely known on Instagram and various social media networks through his pen nameYung Pueblo. Online he reaches hundreds of thousands of people every month through his written works that focus on the reality of self-healing, the movement from self-love to unconditional love, and the wisdom that comes when we truly work on knowing ourselves. His first book,Inward, was self-published and quickly became a bestseller on Amazon. A revised and expanded edition of Inward has recently been published and is now available in bookstores around the world. The nameYung...

Maintenance is as much art as it is science. In this final episode of Mindful by Design, Rev angel Kyodo williams is joined by writer, activist, and speaker, Yung Pueblo for an awakening conversation on the maintenance of the mindfulness practice. While the journey via this series concludes, hopefully with the foundations laid, your own journey in mindfulness continues to grow. Diego Perez is a meditator, writer, and speaker who is widely known on Instagram and various social media networks through his pen nameYung Pueblo. Online he reaches hundreds of thousands of people every month through his written works that focus on the reality of self-healing, the movement from self-love to unconditional love, and the wisdom that comes when we truly work on knowing ourselves. His first book,Inward, was self-published and quickly became a bestseller on Amazon. A revised and expanded edition of Inward has recently been published and is now available in bookstores around the world. The nameYung...


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