Most of the time, we fail to reach our goals. But it’s not because we’re lazy. It’s just that we usually go about it the wrong way. Habit expert James Clear explains that if we want to achieve our biggest goals, the best approach is to begin making small changes that eventually add up to major differences in outcomes.
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- Productivity expert and author
If you want to reach your biggest goals, start by focusing on becoming 1% better every day.
The first phase of habit formation is to create a cue that helps you do your habit without even thinking.
The more you're directly exposed to something, whether it's good or bad, the more you'll be inclined to want it.
The more you practice a habit, the better you'll get at it, and the more that habit will become automatic.
Quality is a byproduct of quantity—the more you do something, the more you’ll progress towards mastery.