Something You Should Know
44min2018 DEC 3


Sometimes you may find yourself in a bad mood for no real reason. So how do you snap out of it? We begin this episode with some very easy, practical and proven ways to get you out of your funk and back to being happy when you are feeling grumpy.
Is eavesdropping nothing more than an impolite indiscretion – or is eavesdropping something humans must do? John Locke, Professor of Linguistics at Lehman College, City University of New York and author of the book Eavesdropping: An Intimate History ( joins me for a fascinating exploration into what drives us to want to uncover other people’s secrets and what purpose it serves. 
Why do some people like spicy food while others don’t? And what is that hot and spicy sensation you get in your mouth anyway – it is not a flavor or taste, so what is it? And perhaps the most important questions is, what is the best way to turn off the heat in your mouth when you eat something that is too hot and spicy? We will explore all of that in this episode.
While the workplace has become more informal, how you dress and behave still matters. In fact it probably matters more than ever. For example, is it okay for colleagues to kiss at work anymore? How do you politely extract yourself from a conversation you don’t want to be in? What about opening doors for others? Who picks up the check – when? What’s the best way to introduce yourself? Should you give your boss a Christmas gift? Barbara Pachter author of The Essentials of Business Etiquette: How to Greet, Eat, and Tweet Yourself to Success ( joins me to discuss all of that and more including social media etiquette.
This Week's Sponsors
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–Stitch Fix For an additional 25% off when you keep all the items in your box go to
Calming Comfort Blanket. For 15% off the posted price of this incredible blanket to help you sleep better, go to and use the promo code SOMETHING.
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