兒童英語故事:英語口語 英語聽力和小宣宣一起學英語-What do you do to calm down after you've been upset?
1min2018 JUL 16
CALM What do you do to calm down after you've been upset? Some people feel calm when they are near water, because of the soothing sound. Whatever makes you feel calm and peaceful might be a good thing to think about when you feel upset. 在你心煩意亂之后,你該怎麼做才能平靜下來? 有些人在水邊的時候會感到平靜,因為有舒緩的聲音。 當你感到不安的時候,任何讓你感到平靜和安寧的事情,都可能是一件好事。