Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord
47min2021 JUN 20


The Sun in Cancer now opens up more of our emotional body and energies as a way to generate more self-acceptance and trust in what we are feeling. Cancer is the first water sign and is connected with our primal emotional programming, and how we did – or did not – feel safe in trusting ourselves from an early age. Mercury in Gemini is now direct, and needing to re-visit conversations and ideas that were left unfinished or need to be re-discusses. Mars in Leo helps us develop confidence and courage in what we need now, which could be creating chaos or uncertainty as the tension builds to the T-square with Saturn and Uranus in early July. Venus enters Leo on June 26. The Capricorn Full Moon on June 24 offers a grounding perspective around your commitments and next steps as we pass across the middle point of the year. And Neptune is stationing retrograde on June 25, but we’ve been feeling this energy already as we tune into more of what we are intuitively receiving. Much more to shar...
