The Hermetic Hour
1h 4min2018 FEB 9


On February 8th, 2018 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon willpresent the Legenda of the first Degreeof Crata Repoa Reformado. Which we call the Fellowship of the Grail. ALegenda is the scenario of a esoteric degree. It describes the degreedelivering most of the essential knowledge and symbolism but leaves outcertain "secrets" such as grips, secret words and procedures. CrataRepoa is the oldest system of Magical degrees and is based on firstcentury Alexandrian Hermetic writings and rituals. We will brieflyoutline the original 18th century system and explain some of our modernadditions and inclusions. So if you'd like to find out what really goeson in a Magical Initiation tune in and be illuminated.
