The Fat Wallet Show from Just One Lap
45min2021 MAR 15


It has always been the philosophy of this show that a good question is more valuable than a good answer. It’s incredible what you can learn from a really good question, both about the topic and about the person asking the question. This week, Frank had an excellent question about moving retirement funds. This question reveals, first and foremost, just how much Frank already knows about the market. It also reveals a thoughtful person who has found a balance between taking calculated risks and doing whatever he can to protect his assets. In this episode, we address issues around the ethics of retirement product providers, loss aversion and rand cost averaging. All of that, from a single question! Subscribe to ourRSS feed here. Subscribe or rate us in iTunes. Frank I have been contemplating transferring my retirement funds to OUTvest. I have some money with Allan Gray, some with Sygnia and most recently with EasyEquities. Combining all with Outvest will qualify me for the R4,500 fixed...
