On Human RightsThe 1325 United Nations Resolution on Women, Peace and Security : Achievements & Challenges
27min2021 MAR 26
We sat down with Petra Tötterman Andorff, the Secretary General of the Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation, to discuss the United Nations 1325 Resolution on Women, Peace & Security. This landmark resolution was adopted in 2000 and drew three main objectives: - To ensure women participation in peace agreement processes - The protection of women and girls against conflict related sexual violence - The integration of gender perspectives into peace agreements. Twenty-one years later, we discussed its achievements but also the challenges faced today. As the Secretary General of the organisation, Petra also offered us an overview of the role of the Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation in its implementation. Why peace agreements tend to be more sustainable when women are involved in their adoption? Why women still tend to be excluded from the signatories? How to ensure a better implementation of the 1325 Resolution? These are questions we are discussing in this podcast. Enjoy! Credits for the music : ...